Family History |
Testament of Archibald Galbreath - 1781
The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods and gear that pertained and
belonged to the deceased Archd. Galbreath merchant in Glasgow at the time
of his death who deceased in the month of ......... faithfully made and given up
by Ann Hamilton widow of and executrix dative qua relict decerned to the
said defunct by the Commissary substitute of Glasgow as an decreet dative
pronounced there anent on the twelfth day of April one thousand seven hundred
and eighty one years, in itself fully bears
Inventory There pertained and belonged to the said defunct at the time of his death fore said sundry articles of merchant goods which were inventoried and valued in virtue of a warrant from the Commissary of Glasgow dated the twelfth day of March seventeen hundred and eighty one by Alexander Stewart and John Young merchants in Glasgow at the particular prices and values mentioned in an inventory thereof lodged in the hands of the Clerk of Court to be made forthcoming to all having interest amounting to the sum of ninety two pounds twelve shillings and one penny one farthing sterling, Item there pertained to the said defunct sundry articles of household furniture and plenishing which were also inventoried and valued in virtue of said warrant by John Cleland and George Hamilton wrights in Glasgow at the particular prices mentioned in an inventory thereof amounting in whole the said values to the sum of eighteen pound seventeen shillings and one penny sterling. Summa Inventory ???? sterling Confirmation granted hereon in common form by John Marshall Commissary substitute and Benjamin Barton Clerk of the Commissary of Glasgow at Glasgow the thirteenth day of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty one years. Bond of Cautionry In presence of John Marshall Commissary sub. of Glasgow compeared Claud Marshall writer in Glasgow as pr’or for the after designed John Hamilton and gave in the Bond of Cautionary after specified desiring the same to be registered and whereof the tenor follows. I John Hamilton merchant in Greenock hereby bind and oblige me my heirs and executors as cautioner and surely acted in the Commissary Court books of Glasgow for Ann Hamilton widow and executrix dative qua relict deemed by the Commissary of Glasgow to the deceased Archd. Galbreath merchant in Glasgow her husband that the whole goods gear debts and sums of money and other effects which shall be given up and confirmed in the inventory of the said deceased Archd. Galbreath his ?? confirmed testament dative to be expede before the said Commissary at the instance of the said Ann Hamilton shall be made forthcoming to all persons having interest as accords with law and for the more? security I consent to the registration hereof in the books of Council and session the said Commissary Court books or any others competent to have a decreet interpened that letters of horning on six days charge and all other exec’ needful may thereon pass and in form as effeirs and constitute Claud Marshall writer in Glasgow. In witness whereof these presents wrote on this and the preceding page by
James Glen apprentice to Claud Marshall writer in Glasgow are subscribed at
Greenock the twentieth day of April seventeen hundred and eighty one and before
these witnesses William Cuthbert merchant in Greenock and Mathew (sic -
Nathan?) Wilson writer there By whom the late witnesses names and
designations are inserted Glasgow Commissary Court Acknowledgement to Scottish |